Target to take A Hitchhiker's Triptych to the people of America

A Hitchhiker's Triptych will be sold and promoted across America by the Target chain.
There are more than 1900 Target stores across the USofA. The retail chain features in all 50 American States.
The move follows interest in the book through a handful of independent book stores dotted about the United States.
Target America noted curiosity in A Hitchhiker's Triptych before making the decision to feature the book.
The USA has a population of 331 million. Target has achieved reach into the majority of these American communities.
The commitment by Target to feature A Hitchhiker's Triptych will inject the book into one of the world's strongest book markets.
More than 75 per cent of the American population lives within 10 miles of a Target store.
A Hitchhiker's Triptych has been selling well in the United Kingdom, with positive interest across UK book clubs. Sales also have been strong in Ireland, in Germany and in Australia.
The decision by Target America to feature the book is significant. This is the first major American retail chain to pick up A Hitchhiker's Triptych.
Amazon have been supporting A Hitchhiker's Triptych from the outset. Amazon continue to report steady online sales.
The Target decision takes the book to a new level. The retailer's move puts A Hitchhiker's Triptych on the ground just a short drive from 75 per cent of the American population.
It seems this hitchhiking tale will continue on its intriguing journey.

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